A review by moomoo_reads
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 9 by Lee Hey


 Imma need a moment to process what just happened.
Honestly, I’ll probably read this again tomorrow to just feel the emotions rather than worry about the ending.

Sooooo, I reread it. And omg. Even though I knew exactly how it was going to end, I still cried the entire time. I think reading it and knowing what would happen made it even worse because all those little comments/plans they made of what they were going to do "someday" when you knew they wouldn't get the chance to because his memories would get erased were already a knife to the heart, but when you know that HE knows the entire time, it twists the knife tenfold. You look at it from a completely different point of view.

But, man was it a good series. Throughout the series, I always thought Bogum was actually a good guy. That he was being made out to seem like he was a bad guy but he was really a good guy. In the end I wasn't wrong, however, when he revealed the past and gave her the ultimatum I lost faith in him and for sure thought he really was a dick. But he's only sort of a dick now in my eyes.

I was scared that Seon was gonna lose his memories for good and that they'd have to start their relationship all over. That is one of my most hated tropes. I can't stand it when all the relationship development I've spent the whole book reading and loving get's completely obliterated. Like what was the point of reading all of that and getting attached to the characters and story when it all dies anyway. If that had happened, the whole story would've been ruined for me, honestly. So I'm really glad it didn't. And that they got their happy ending. They're so cute together.

I would definitely reread the whole series because I think there's a lot of little hidden things you'll discover/pick up on knowing the ending.