A review by serena_dawn
I'm a Gay Wizard by V.S. Santoni


I requested and received this ebook ARC from NetGalley.

I liked the peeks behind the scene of the how and why of the world's making, it's mythology, and I believe that means there's more to come. Johnny and Alison are the outcasts in their school - and they're wizards (yes, a term that apparently applies to genders, although that's never stated).

Primarily this novel reminded me of the Matrix and Magicians (TV show/book, recalling Harry Potter and Narnia) it's school halls are named with gods/goddesses like Apollo, Ares, Odin, Plutus and Zeus (but apparently these gods are wizards, in fact everyone has potential for magic use), but the power origins and makers are called Asuras, Devas and Maras which are a different world myth entirely. I would have preferred the origin story as it were to have been smoothed out better, it certainly doesn't run as well as the timeline written after every chapter, or the explanation for the world and the dream Everywhen.

All wizards (who are not of the Legacy of Lineage, parents having been wizards) are abducted, the memories of friends and family taken, erased. As if that's not nightmare enough, wizards aren't very progressive - and they're all being held prisoner at the Institute -it's join or be a "Defector".

What's more, in Johnny's dreams is the terrifying Sandman following, hunting, him. Luckily, Johnny isn't facing all this alone, he has Alison and Blake and Hunter -who he's falling in love with.

And Linh, who he seeks to uncover school secrets with to join the Defectors and gain his freedom before it's too late and either the Sandman or the school "Smiths" get him.

There's a few open ended questions - what happens with Linh and the Defectors, what connects Luther to Melchior and Alwina? How did a unicorn die...?

I have say tell one of the weirdest things happened while reading a fellatio scene in this book. I was at work on lunch (I often read on my phone) when one of my coworkers sits down to have their break (there's only one table in a smallish room so that's not unusual) anyway a bit of time passes- coworker kind of laughs at his phone, I look up, and he tells me he's reading a joke about this guy sending a dick pic to a man despite the man telling him like three times he's not a woman and not being believed. I am reading gay fellatio and he's sympathizing with "a poor dick-pic guy being scarred for life".