A review by elvang
True Hearts by Ellie Green


Gem arrives in the small town of Tyndall after her failed vegan bakery in Melbourne leaves her with little money and debts to pay. The only available rental unit in town turns out to be a former bakery which Gem agrees to rent. Her landlord turns out to be the town veterinarian. Their first meeting doesn’t go well. Marnie has serious abandonment issues and even more serious issues allowing others to get close to her both in her personal and professional life. Gem has accepted a boring office job in Tyndall hoping to pay down her debts. She has time on her hands and hopes to spend that time getting to know Marnie, the overworked, somewhat prickly vet.

The problem I have with novellas is the lack of time available to develop both the characters and their relationship. Gem and Marnie have a few dates, some poor communication, a bit of honesty and clarity and then we have the “ I Love You” moments.
We know what the conflict is going to be and we can easily see how the future will play out for the pair. This is a nice story but it lacks the depth a great romance needs to be memorable. It also needs a good edit to reduce the typos scattered throughout the book.

ARC received from the publisher via BookSirens for review.