A review by tiredcath
The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

Did not finish book. Stopped at 33%.
If “2012 I’m SO random” humor was a book.

DNF’ed at 33%, the catalyst being:

“That seemed to be the only explanation as to why Nick would have let Owen touch his nipple that one time.”

As much as I tried to force myself to enjoy this book, by chapter two I too painful aware this was NOT for me.

It’s so very obvious T.J. Klune does not know how to write teenagers. At least from this piece of work. The writing and humor reads so juvenile. 

“Let’s blow this Popsicle stand, daddio.”
And like a couple of cool cats, they did exactly that.

This was written 2020? WHAT

So, okay the writing isn’t for me. But what about the characters? Nope. I didn’t like any of them. Especially Nick. And I’m really disliking this trend of (particularly male) authors writing an obnoxious “bad ass” female friend who punches out of love. (Give me a break).  This trope really infuriated me. The character could work, you can write an obnoxious bad ass female friend who tells it like it is, but the authors make that their entire personality. If you don’t know how to write women— just say that. 

It’s predictable, so GLARINGLY predictable. I’m surprised if anyone didn’t get the “twist” two minutes into this book. The writing so in your face you need sunglasses to enjoy it. Please, I was cringing every time things were “hinted” at. It was as if Klune was behind the characters with a giant white board with “get it?” written in huge letters. Yes. I got it. Unfortunately. 

I won’t even touch the pro cop agenda on top of everything. A lot of reviewers can word what I feel much better. 

As to not be too harsh: if I was fourteen and just came off wattpad I probably would’ve enjoyed this. But I’m not fourteen and I did not enjoy this. Which sucks, because I really liked the idea and the cover it’s stunning. So maybe for someone who is young and this is their first time venturing into reading YA, this could be good for them. 

Now, would I recommend this book to my fourteen year old niece? No. 

Is this book the worst book I’ve ever read? No. Not by a long shot. But I’ll probably second guess myself if I want to touch a Klune book again

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