A review by misty189
Making Space, Clutter Free: The Last Book on Decluttering You'll Ever Need by Tracy McCubbin


I love books on clutter clearing and organization, and I've read a lot of them. This author stands out with her take on looking at the emotional connection to the kind of stuff we are accumulating. She has a no-nonsense approach that is still compassionate, with good information for those downsizing, clearing space after a death or divorce, and for anyone wanting to MAKE SPACE. (It's good to have empty shelves!!)

It could have used another round of editing though. On page 162, in reference to how to organize your possessions, the author notes that, "There will be lots of illustrations so you can see what I'm talking about." However, the only illustration showing an organizing idea following that comment is of a cake plate with condiments on it. ??? Umm...okay. Still, this is a fresh take on getting rid of junk, and it inspired me to make some progress with my own clutter-clearing projects.

My favorite takeaways:
- "It's okay that I made a mistake in buying this item. My home is not an orphanage for unused objects. I can let this go to someone who will actually use it or even to the garbage, and I am still a good person."

- "Ask yourself: What am I holding on to all this for? Can I trust myself to know what I really need? The answer is yes, you can."

- "Take the chaos in, hear what it is asking for, embrace the changes, and make space in your home, heart and, life for the future you want."

Cheers to creating space!