A review by thehonestpuck
The Little Homo Sapiens Scientist by S.L. Huang


I got this as a free review copy from SL Huang in exchange for potentially nominating it for some award or another if I liked it.


I have been unable to stop thinking about this novelette since I finished reading it and all I want is to take my time to put my heart back together and then reread it again and again. Dr. Cadence Mbella's voice (ha!) comes through super clearly from page one to the very end. It's a reverse of the traditional Hans Christian Andersen Little Mermaid which means it's destined to be a tragedy, of course, but there is something truly wonderful about the romance being not just between the human and the mermaid atargati, but also between the scientist and the whole unknown but hopefully knowable world.

Also have I mentioned yet how unapologetically and thoroughly queer this retelling is? Because it is and it's beautiful to have characters in this book whose understanding of gender and sexuality more closely mirror mine than those I usually read.

Every book SL Huang has ever written I have loved, and this is no exception.