A review by jamesfigy
The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore: A Story of American Rage by Jared Yates Sexton


Jared Yates Sexton's telling of the 2016 election gives a spectator's perspective on political rallies, the messiness of relationships between family members and Americans in general during this time, and the ways in which one campaign ignored almost every rule of politics. In the intro to an interview with the author, I compared this novel to his short story "Punch for Punch," saying:
The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore: A Story of American Rage explains how everyday Americans’ frustration with the establishment boiled over. It goes without saying that the whole campaign exemplifies how truth is stranger, messier, and less predictable than fiction. But that’s what makes Jared so great at telling it: He takes the fiction writer’s attention to narrative, to backstory, and to causes and effects, and he combines it with the journalist’s thirst to tell real people’s stories and to document a part of history. The new book shows how Americans weren’t happy with our government before the election, aren’t not happy now that it’s in chaos.
Link to our interview: http://bit.ly/2yfbQMd