A review by annas_sweets_and_stories
Takeover by Anna Zabo


This was fine. I read this solely because I was recommended the second book in the series and so reading this was just a stepping stone for me. It wasn't bad, it wasn't my favorite, but I'm not mad that I read it. It's kinky and dramatic and a little too technical in terms of their work aspect, at least for me, but as a whole it was good.

Sam is a high-powered CEO and he works as a fixer for a large corporations. He is all power when it comes to work but he is actually more submissive regarding sex. He is not out due to his fear about losing his career. Michael is more laid back at work yet wants all the power regarding sex. They meet off-handedly on vacation and have a one-night stand that changes both of them. Except when they go back to work the following week turns out Sam is Michael's boss. This obviously has a lot of complications and the pacing was a little bit weird during the middle of this, but they figured their things out.

Ah big content warnings for homophobia, internalized homophobia, of being outed, misogyny from a side character, and explicit kinky sex.

Rep: gay MCs