A review by mollyringle
Shadowgirl by Kate Ristau


A fast-paced adventure with a fresh voice, which carried me swiftly along and kept me turning pages. We follow Aine, who has mainly grown up in the Aetherlands (the fairy world), as she returns to the scary realm of the Shadowlands (Earth as we know it) to find out what became of her family. I have a fondness for fae-meets-human stories, and this one has the extra perk of being set in Ireland. I've never been there, but I really, really want to go; thus the Irish scenery and lilt to the dialogue gave it special charm for me. And Aine's bewilderment with the modern world of cars and phones and electric lights made for several comedic moments in the midst of the dark and dangerous chase--always appreciated. And besides the goodness of folklore and danger and comedy, bonus points for LGBT-friendliness! Yay!