A review by dcox83
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How It Can Renew America by Thomas L. Friedman


Thomas Friedman is a really smart NY Times international reporter who knows the global political scene better than anyone else. He is not an expert on power companies or what is needed revolutionize the power industry.

So the half of the book about the world's growing oil addiction (due to the rest of the world wanting to be like the west by owning cars and air conditioners) is shifting the balance of international power away from the United States and towards places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nigeria and Sudan is fascinating.

The other half where it's basically Friedman brainstorming on how if only everyone in the world drastically changed their lifestyles to how he thinks they should live then everything would be better.

It's a shame, because the book starts by making the argument for a greener society not to save the planet, but because of the dangerous effects it has on global security, human rights and international politics. He only touches on this idea briefly before entering Friedman fantasy land on how to change lifestyles.