A review by eminireader
Fly with Me by Andie Burke


Fly With Me is a promising debut novel by Andie Burke. You can tell Burke is brimming with ideas and I appreciated her depicting a sapphic romantic relationship.

This book had potential but there were a few too many ideas that were never fully resolved. The protagonist, Olive, was better developed than Stella the love-interest, who fell a little flat and was lacking personality. The two characters had so much going on in their respective lives it felt like their fake dating was really unhealthy and it made it hard to root for them and their love.

There were a few standout scenes that left me feeling excited for whatever Burke may offer in the future, but this book needed more time and editing to review it anything higher than 2 stars.

Thank you to St Martin’s Publishing and NetGalley for a free ARC of this book.