A review by se_wigget
Flu: The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It by Gina Kolata


Excerpt from Flu: The Story of the Great [1918] Influenza Pandemic by Gina Kolata 
Public health departments gave out gauze masks for people to wear in public. A New York doctor and collector of historical photographs, Dr. Stanley B. Burns, has a photograph in his archive of a minor league baseball game being played during the epidemic. It is a surreal image: The pitcher, the batter, every player, and every member of the crowd are wearing gauze masks. In Tucson, Arizona, the board of health issued a ruling that “no person shall appear in any street, park, or place where any business is transacted, or in any other public place within the city of Tucson, without wearing a mask consisting of at least four thicknesses of butter cloth or at least seven thicknesses of ordinary gauze, covering both the nose and the mouth.” In Albuquerque, New Mexico, where schools were closed and movie theaters darkened, the local newspaper noted: “the ghost of fear walked everywhere, causing many a family circle to reunite because of the different members having nothing else to do but stay home.”