A review by mmarzullo
Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski


The new supporting characters absolutely drove this installment. I love Regis, Zoltan, Milva and even Cahir. Oh and who can forget the lovable troubadour Dandelion (who won’t tell us his real name!) I love even more how they call out Geralt for being so emo. Not much in the way of plot movement which was totally ok because of the masterful character development.

“What a company I ended up with,” Geralt continued, shaking his head. “Brothers in arms! A team of heroes! What have I done to deserve it? A poetaster with a lute. A wild and lippy half-dryad, half-woman. A vampire, who’s about to notch up his fifth century. And a bloody Nilfgaardian who insists he isn’t a Nilfgaardian.”

“And leading the party is the Witcher, who suffers from pangs of conscience, impotence and the inability to take decisions,” Regis finished calmly. “I suggest we travel incognito, to avoid arousing suspicion.”

>>Geralt and Cahir’s fight for the bridge was epic.
>>Ciri is going down a dark path that I hope Geralt and Yen can pull her out of.

And now some foreshadowing…
”He who has spilt blood and he who has drunk blood,” the girl said, her head still lowered, “shall pay in blood. Within three days one shall die in the other, and something shall die in each. They shall die inch by inch, piece by piece… And when finally the iron-shod clogs wear out and the tears dry, then the last shreds will pass. Even that which never dies shall die.”

“Speak on,” Regis said softly and gently. “What can you see?”

“Fog. A tower in the fog. It is the Tower of Swallows…on a lake bound by ice.”

“What else do you see?”


“What do you feel?”


On to Tower of Swallows

Ratings thus far:
The Last Wish ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sword of Destiny ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Blood of Elves ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Time of Contempt ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Baptism of Fire ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5