A review by meetmeinmalkovich
Fatemarked by David Estes


A Book Review: Fatemarked by David Estes (@davidestesbooks)

My Rating: ★★★★
fantasy — epic fantasy — prophecy

I got the audiobook for this one on a whim, during the recent “2-for-1 credit” sale on audible. This was one of the eligible titles and it was honestly the cover that intrigued me the most — it’s a really nice cover if I do say so myself.

It’s a multiple POV story that follows several people involved in a prophecy, and some of them are specially marked. Eight rulers reign, but the prophecy claims none of them will survive. And they do get picked off.

As with all multiple POV stories, I tend to gravitate towards one over another. I really like Anise/Tarin and Grease and Roan. I wanted to like Rhea, but she made me really angry at the beginning of the story and even though her arc does get interesting (and sad), I started to pity her more than anything else.

If you like GoT, Phillip Quaintrell, Ryan Cahill, Steven Erikson — you’d like this for sure.

I’ll def be reading more from this series when I get my hands on the others.