A review by sandylender
Becoming Jane Eyre by Sheila Kohler


I adore Charlotte Bronte and the novel "Jane Eyre," so finding this novel on the airport bookstore shelf was a treat! Reading it had its inspiring moments, but, overall, I was disappointed in the dark accusations about sibling rivalry that Sheila Kohler packed into this fictional story. The use of present tense was unsettling, but I got used to it. The hopping around to let different characters tell the tale was nice, but seemed an odd device because I thought I was going to see Charlotte's story of becoming or producing "Jane Eyre" (hence the title), not everyone's opinion on how everyday events progressed to influence (or not) Charlotte and "Jane Eyre."

If you're intimately familiar with the Bronte story and with "Jane Eyre," and have a working knowledge of the other Bronte sisters' works, you should have no trouble following the jumps from Charlotte to Jane and back again in this book. If you're new to the Bronte story or to "Jane Eyre," this book should confuse you at every turn. I don't think I'd recommend this for readers new to the Bronte family.

On a side note...the final line in the novel brought tears to my eyes. Bravo to Kohler for that!

From Fantasy Author Sandy Lender