A review by lauren_soderberg
A Question of Us by Mary Jayne Baker


3.5 stars:

'A Question of Us' is an exploration of love, friendship, and insecurity with the backdrop of a pub quiz competition. It may seem random, but in this instance, it totally works. Mary Jayne Baker creates characters that are flawed, complicated, and three-dimensional, and manages to invert typical romance-y tropes to create a delightful and heartfelt tale of a friendship that could be more.

There were times where I felt a lot of frustration toward Clarrie's (the protagonist) actions; I empathized with the other characters in the novel who continually question her approach to life. And maybe that's the ultimate success of the novel: that it's messy. It feels real. The relationship dynamics and the emotional hangups all feel very realistic. And the ending is a satisfying payoff to a wholly entertaining (if not slightly frustrating) tale. I'm excited to see what Baker comes up with next!

**Thanks, NetGalley, for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.**