A review by zade
Conspiracies by F. Paul Wilson


I didn't enjoy this novel nearly as much as Legacies, but it's well written and Repairman Jack is still a fun hero to follow. I'm not a fan of the conspiracy theory genre and while Wilson's take on this community is both skeptical and compassionate, the setting made it hard for me to become deeply invested. Even more, the fact that the primary opponent in this novel is on the fringe side of things made it harder for me to get into the novel. Yes, I know that Jack's whole niche is in the horror meets sci-fi meets thriller market, but I much prefer Jack when he's facing down real-life evils, as he does in Legacies and in the prequels to the series. This is a personal preference, though, and as most of Wilson's audience comes via the horror genre, I suspect they will find this novel far more enjoyable than did I. Regardless of my affinity for this particular story, I fully intend to read the next Repairman Jack novel in the near future. Wilson is a skilled writer and even at his worst remains entertaining.