A review by kate_elizabeth
William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return by Ian Doescher


My favorite of the three! And not only because the C3PO hatred continues...THOUGH IT DOES:

"Luke: C3PO, dost comprehend their tongue?
C3PO: Indeed, my master Luke! Recall that I
Am fluent in more than six million forms
Han: Less prating, more explaining, droid. What didst
Thou say to them, when thou didst speak?
C3PO: 'Hello,' methinks. 'Tis possible I am
Mistaken. They employ a primitive
And ancient dialect, but it appears
They think of me as like unto a god.
R2D2: [aside:] O heaven help us all. C3PO
Already thinks himself divine, and needs
No congregation further."

Han continues to call him goldenrod. It's just fantastic.

Beyond that, of all three original movies, the themes of "The Return of the Jedi" just seem to lend themselves most naturally to the Shakespeare format. Love these nerdy little books.