A review by bookgirl4ever
Such Wicked Intent by Kenneth Oppel


Mourning the loss of Konrad, Mr. Frankenstein has ordered the books from the hidden library burned and the well filled and bricked up. But Victor finds a metal box that doesn't burn in the fire of books. Inside the box is the key for enter a dimension that holds the dead. He tries out the instructions and is able to meet up with his brother once again. Elizabeth and Henry visit the land of the dead with him. Victor's jealousy of Elizabeth and Konrad's love don't prevent him from trying to resurrect his twin. Events unfold that work to bring an evil spirit into the land of the living and Victor and his friends must fight their temptations and desire to reunite with their beloved Konrad to keep the world safe from destruction.

Oppel's Victor Frankenstein is so imperfect yet real. I love this series!