A review by iris_ymra
She Wore Red Trainers by Na'ima B. Robert


The story of Ali and Amirah; the struggle they faced on becoming a better muslims; the issues in muslim community the hard yet true events that as a muslim I am quite familiar with. The story revolved around individual, family, and friendship. It conveyed the journey -- of every one of the characters -- we as a muslim could say, 'I'd been in this situation before', as we are striving to stand strong and rooted in this right path, of deen.

And around all of that, how these two souls -- Ali and Amirah -- found their hearts to be beating the same rhythm of falling in love, from the first moment of their encounter. How the two finally settled to be in a halal relationship in most overwhelming and 'unconventional' way of performing their nikah -- one event that'll worth telling the future children.

I have all sort of emotions along my reading; the frustration, the feeling touched, the happiness, the sadness, the anger -- but at the end, everything just fall into places accordingly -- the same way our life will definitley be.