A review by ssejig
A Custom-Fit Crime by Melissa Bourbon


All Harlow wants to do is get her mother married. And enjoy her time as being one of three designers being featured as "up-and-coming." Of course, it's not helpful that one of the designers turns out to be an old acquaintance of both Harlow and her friend Orphie (who just showed up at 2 o'clock in the morning). The man turns out to be just as much of a PITA as he ever was. And it seems like he might still be cadging designs from others. It comes as no shock to the reader when he dies in Harlow's house.
Is Harlow under suspicion? Of course, she had a blow-out with the deceased. But it's not like the sheriff is hurting for suspects.
This is a good series but it's starting to suffer from something I've been noticing more often in romances. Every past character has to pop up in some way. People, frankly characters I didn't even remember, were uncomfortably shoe-horned into the story. It took away from the story and just created bloat.