A review by becksgoesbookish
Teach Me to Sin by Riley Nash


Literally the perfect conclusion for this series! I've been eagerly anticipating the final book in this series since having book one recommended to me earlier this year. At that point, I became a Riley Nash superfan (especially for the audiobooks). But even though I usually stick with audio once I have started a series that way, there was no way I was going to sit on this book!

Without giving too much away, this book is about Alek (whom we know), Colson (whom we have heard about), and Benji (whom we have yet to meet) finding exactly what they need in each other as the perfectly balanced trio. I have read a lot of three-person relationship books this year and this one hands down is the best. Not only was their group perfectly balanced as a trio, but the relationship growth was written in a way that shows how the group would have been incomplete if one of them were missing. Plus each duo also had their own distinct dynamic, and we often get to see that acknowledged through the eyes of the third MC.

Per usual, this book brought hurt/comfort perfection, but this time it was magnified between all three MCs in different ways.

Though this can be read as a standalone after book 1, I would strongly recommend reading all 3 books (and the novella) in advance of reading this book otherwise the full scope of the friend group dynamics won't be as evident.

*I received an arc of this book, all opinions are my own*