A review by theresidentbookworm
Black Widow #4 by Nathan Edmondson, Phil Noto


The Best Of: Public Enemy (Black Widow #4)

1. The super creepy opener page. Whenever a villain starts to take about those who have sinned and should be punished, I immediately get scared. It must be all the Catholic school I've been to.

2. Natasha liking her work for SHIELD because it's occasionally boring.

3. The explosion and chase scenes. I didn't think they would be compelling in comics, but the art is amazing.

4. More Maria Hill! I actually just want a Maria Hill comic. Is that weird? I'd just like to see what her day to day is like.

5. "One benefit of government work? Frequent flyer miles. Seriously, I get bumped up about every flight. Still not as nice as the director's private jet though..." Good to know, Nat, good to know.

6. The villain of this issue reciting the Lord's Prayer and being super creepy. Also, Natasha being slightly outmanned and trying to figure out how to defeat this guy.

7. Natasha not liking this situation not fitting her job description: "I am a spy. Not some rooftop-jumping archer, shield-wielding super-soldier, or shiny-metal philanthrobot. I need to make that clear on my business card. Espionage is shadow warfare. Cold combat. Does anything about this feel cold to you?"

8. Natasha and Maria figuring out their next steps and making a game plan: "When you need them, agents are at your disposal. And any special gear you'd like?" "As a matter of fact... Yes. I'll give you a list."

9. Really interesting cliffhanger. Who is Molot's boss? Who are they after? Why do they need to destroy the plane? So many questions!

10. Recommended!