A review by melbsreads
One Perfect Pirouette by Sherryl Clark


Trigger warnings: bullying,
Spoilerserious physical injury to a parent

2.5 stars.

This book is just sort of...aggressively average. The cover is very much YA, but the protagonist is in primary school and it reads more like the young end of middle grade, so...??? The writing felt very surface level, like there was no emotional depth to anything. And for a story about ballet, an awful lot of it was about being bullied to join the netball team or playing basketball.

The dialogue was often clunky, and I felt like basically all the supporting characters were cardboard cutouts who we only really knew one thing about - Ricky gets in trouble a lot. Brynna's mum has a knee injury. Her brother Orrin is good at football. Add in an endless string of lines about peeling potatoes for dinner (seriously, how many potatoes can one family eat?), and I was just bored to be honest.

I mean, it was a quick easy read. But for something that's a big effing deal in the blurb to ultimately be a relatively small part of the story? Meh.