A review by sydneythewhale
The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls by Jessica Spotswood


Jul. 2018: 4.75⭐️

I think it's safe to say that I absolutely DEVOURED this book. I loved the format of the alternating chapters following each sisters' storyline. I loved the characterization of each sister and how tightly-knit their family was. I felt like all of the characters' decisions really made sense and were logical given everything you knew about the characters. This book also delved into quite a few feminist issues (representation in media, misogyny, homophobia) and I think it was all handled and discussed really well. All of the relationships were super cute and felt realistic. I loved how much emphasis was put on girls sticking together and standing up for each other (Chloe and Bea leaving behind their rivalry, Jillian standing up to Adam for Kat, etc.). I feel like that's something that is really important to be portrayed, rather than girls acting catty because of a guy or something stupid like that.

My only complaints are that the ending felt a bit cut off (I think there could have been more resolution) and that some parts of the plot were a bit predictable. However, I don't really care about how predictable a book is, especially with a light contemporary like this.

I would say this is the perfect summer read if you're looking for something fun and cute that also brings up some deeper topics! Jessica Spotswood has done it again!