A review by charlotte_owl
The Dog Master by W. Bruce Cameron, W. Bruce Cameron


This is a historical fiction novel that takes place a long time ago, during the time when humans and Neanderthals co-existed. So, yes, that was a very long time ago. Obviously, when you go that far back in time, it is questionable how historically accurate you can be. Because we simply don't know that much. So this isn't exactly a novel on what did happen, but it is a novel on what could have happened. This book sets out to answer the question, how did humans first domesticate wolves? Because there is evidence that humans and dogs have been co-existing for that length of time. It is a good question. Wolves back then were even larger and more dangerous than the wild wolves of today. This novel, in the process of answering this question, focuses on several different humans, who are in different clans. These clans have different cultures, different ways of living, and different ways of surviving. It also, of course, focuses on wolves. And it is all so fascinating. I loved the characters. I loved following them on their daily lives. Overall, this was my favorite book of the month.