A review by turtleofbabel
A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog by Dean Koontz


Best appreciated if you own a dog. If you're indifferent to dogs (and thus a psychopath), this book will leave your eyes rolled permanently into the back of your head, as it's the equivalent of suffering through a slide show of a stranger's kids' accomplishments. But if you have a dog that you consider a member of the family, you'll grin and nod knowingly at Koontz's anecdotes about life with his dog Trixie -- whether or not you believe, as he does, that there was something preternaturally special about her. I hung in there for the last chapter, in which Trixie passes away (hey, it's a memoir, I'm not spoiling anything), even though I usually refuse to read or watch anything in which I know a dog dies. Skip that part if you can't handle that stuff; you'll still get the most important parts of the story.