A review by readingwithmelodie
Sunbolt by Intisar Khanani


i started this book far too late at night, read it in one sitting AND it was short enough that i didn’t wake up groggy. for that alone this deserves 5 stars!

but it’s been a long, long time since I’ve read a non “tiktok fantasy” but this book piqued my interest and it didn’t disappoint! I absolutely loved the world building, i don’t know how intisar does it, but even with my aphantasia i still feel like i can picture the world! honestly magical!

i think one of the things that usually puts me off reading fantasy is how long they usually are, so this book is absolutely perfect for those who want to read more diverse fantasy books, or those who want a quick but action packed read between series! i swear, my mind was like “i should sleep, but I want to know what happens next, one more chapter won’t hurt!” repeat, and next thing i know, i finished the book! there’s not really any part of the book that slows down, which, as someone who’s easily distracted, is exactly what i need!

more rtc

thank you so much intisar for the review copy in exchange for an honest review!