A review by seeingnight
Dark Shadows: Wolf Moon Rising by Lara Parker


GENRE: Paranormal
THEME: Vampires, Witches Romance, Werewolves
RECEIVED: Publisher
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/

3.5 Stars

I was super excited to have an updated and continued storyline to a classic television show called Dark Shadows. As I haven’t seen the 1970s version I own the 90s version which I absolutely loved. What I found that attracted me most to the story is that the author of this novel was the actress who portrayed Angelique in the original TV version. I can really tell from her writing how much this show and now novels mean to her personally, there is so much thought and details that are reminiscent of the television show. I also haven’t read the other two novel that were before this but if you’re a fan of any of the television shows I feel this was a great stand alone to get sucked into.

Dark Shadows: Wolf Moon follows a complex group of entertaining characters such as: A young boy David Collins who has fallen in love with Jacqueline, who lives in the Old House as is actually the reincarnation of Angelique. She lives in the Old House with her mother Antoinette after its been restored from a fire. Then there is of course Barnabas Collins the vampire and Quentin Collins the werewolf both competing for Antoinette. Unfortunately for Quentin he’s having some problems with his wolf, as his painting has gone missing it’s the only thing that helps his turning. All the while David and Jacqueline are helping with the search are mysteriously sent back in the 20s where David learns about the Collins family secrets.

For me this is a difficult book to review since there is so much happening and the characters themselves along with the storyline are complex. I did feel a little lost at times, but I think that what’s supposed to happen in the Dark Shadows world. If you’re a fan of the shows and past books chaotic circumstances that occur, this plot will seem very normal. What is truly great about how Parker wrote this story is that I felt like I was watching the show again, it had the same tonnage, paranormal elements of mystery, the characters who seems to never change, and the romance that always circulates the family.

The downside of this novel is that if I hadn’t known who these characters already were then I would be completely lost. I feel this is a book for the fans and it is dedicated to the fans as Parker mentions in the dedication. It may be hard for those who are just picking up this book and I would probably recommend reading at least the first book Parker wrote.

In the end the crazy moments are all there, with all the paranormal goodies of witches, vampires, werewolves that always follow the unusual Collins family. There is also a lot of danger for them as a paranormal expert seeks a vampire. But I’m only mentioning some of the fun without giving away too much, let’s just say paranormal lovers should read this book and be prepared for something out of this world.

This is an adult novel with all that will jump the reader back in time to some exciting and strange tales of a very strange family. Fans of gothic novels will enjoy Dark Shadows: Wolf Moon by Lara Parker.