A review by git_r_read
Daughter of Dragons by Jack Campbell


I am already a fan of Jack Campbell's series, The Lost Fleet. I saw this one on Audible and knew I had to listen to it. And I was right. It was superb. It's a smooth mixture of fantasy with science fiction.
A person looking at the description and some of the reviews might think it's a YA romance set in the future and turn away if not into YA romance set in the future. Let me tell you that it's definitely more than YA romance set in the future.
And it's more than a fantasy/science fiction blend, it's about family and how to live up to others' expectations. It's magic and science, it's moving on from the past and learning to live in the present and ready for the future.
I am off to upload the next in the trilogy, BLOOD OF DRAGONS, to listen to immediately upon finishing the current listen.
I can absolutely recommend the author, this book and trilogy and anything written by Jack Campbell. He's a favorite of mine.