A review by hellokittyreads
Ice Cream for Breakfast: How Rediscovering Your Inner Child Can Make You Calmer, Happier, and Solve Your Bullsh*t Adult Problems by Laura Jane Williams


When I picked this book up, the thing that made me want to keep reading was Williams' honest writing and sense of humour throughout.

I did not agree with some of the advice itself, but in general found most of it incredibly helpful.

The main chapter that helped me was the chapter on sleep.

I was worrying a lot about sleep at the time of reading this book. I still do to some extent.
Anyway, I was very apprehensive about reading the chapter on it, expecting the same advice about getting eight hours of sleep, at the time, I was lucky to get five or six.

Although the author did talk about how she needs eight hours, she did mention that it is different for everyone.

I did not feel like a failure or condemned. I actually read this chapter before bed and it left me with a feeling of calm and I slept very well that night.

It was my favourite chapter in the book.

I loved the conclusion to the book.
Maybe it's because my conclusions to essays are really bad and I just sum up what I've said, but the author managed to sum up what she said in a way that connected with the rest of what she was saying about how she never expected to write this book.

I probably explained that in the worst way, but I really adored the conclusion.

Overall, I really liked this book. I agreed with the author's points and I am really hoping to put being more childlike into practice.