A review by myntop
The New Guy (and Other Senior Year Distractions) by Amy Spalding


This was a cute book, but there were so many important themes kind of hidden within. I love that we can get teens to read this type of book and hopefully learn something about others and themselves while doing so.

First idea in the book that really struck me, was how Jules did not find anything wrong, embarrassing, or weird about having two moms. In fact, it took well into the second chapter (I think) before I even realized her parents weren't male and female.

The next theme in the book that I enjoyed, was how important Jules found her schooling and preparing for the future. Not that every teen needs this inspiration, and not that it should be the be all end all, but I do think some teens would benefit from having someone like this as an example. She was a very driven character and I admired that.

That being said, there was also the lesson of not letting one idea or goal be your only focus and how as you grow you need to be well rounded with many varied interests. Including social ones. As a mother, I wouldn't want my kids to think that the only important thing in life is getting good grades or getting into a good school. I want them to focus on nurturing friendships, learning how to interact with people on a social level, and have multiple interests that could shape their lives.

All in all, it was a very good book and I look forward to reading more from this author, as this was my first by her.