A review by couldbestephen
The End of the World by H.S. Gilchrist

Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
DNFed at 30%

I was given a digital ARC of this book for an honest review.

The world the author was trying to build looked interesting. The characters were ok. But the overwritten, purple prose that filled the novel kept me from ever being immersed. This book could be a lot shorter and more compelling if the author and an editor went through and cut out so much unnecessary descriptions and flourishes.

Mica is a scavenger, hunted by a cult while surviving some sort of apocalypse. Animkii was a soldier connected to a hive-mind who finds her connection severed. The two women must team up to help each other survive.

I really think this book would have been more readable for me if the author had opted for simpler prose. “Purple prose” is hard to get right, and unfortunately Gilchrist doesn’t quite have the skill to pull it off. There’s a solid foundation there, just needs more work. I’m sure there will be readers who love this style of writing, I think it hindered the story.