A review by vova3649
The People's City by


1) In Loving Memory - Nadine Aisha Jassat

- "I learned the ways you make a place home, and I learned them unintentionally, and on my own (...) with every step or turn of a street corner, every foot crossing over cobble or pavement or grass, I walked myself into knowing the city, and the city in turn walked itself into me: love for it filling me up with every purple sky over the clock face of the Balmoral Hotel, every clear day looking down to the sea from the golden cobbles of the Royal Mile, every after-work walk returning down that long tree trunk of Leith alive with people".
-" Here in this city, I had found my name. Have made it, and everything else my own".

2) Broukit Bairn, Ian Bairn

-"Gavin remembered something from a school or university lesson: Robert Louis Stevenson's description of Edinburgh as a 'precipitous city'. Yes, you could climb Arthur's Seat or Calton Hill or look down to the New Town from the heights of the Castle ramparts, but you could also be at the bottom of a chasm like the Cowgate, with the city almost impossibly out of the reach above".