A review by lysettedavi
The Maid by Nita Prose


I loved the voice of the main character, Molly. I wish I spoke in the way she did to a degree. The character felt unique in comparison to other characters in books. I read some other reviews that said the main character is autistic and that the author did a disservice to the autistic community. I must say that I didn't have that same perspective on the character. It seemed she had a very sheltered life and was very obsessive over one thing, cleaning. She found her niche and excelled in it, and because she excelled others found her difficult. I felt that it's relatable, sometimes in my own life when I want to do something to perfection it annoys others.

There is a discussion in the reviews about undocumented folks and the book describes a utopia where everyone is just on board with assisting someone in that circumstance. I wish that was true. This is a book, so I think it's okay that the author wanted the book to feel that way, the way we wish people treated each other and helped each other. Of course it's unrealistic, but maybe the book is suggesting it doesn't have to be. The main message I heard was that we can help each other.

At one point I thought this was a 5 star book, however, the ending dragged on and felt repetitive and then the twist at the end was rushed. Overall, I would recommend this book because the main character captivated me and I loved her perspective in the world. If these characters were real I would definitely want to be invited to tea.