A review by bargainsleuth
The Bungalow Mystery by Carolyn Keene


Goodreads really needs to separate the Original Text with the Revised Text, because they are two different stories. Same basic plot, but vastly different writing. The OT features a spunkier Nancy who takes more chances and at times, carries her dad's revolver. The RT features a Nancy who is not afraid to take chances, but cautiously so. Also, in the revised text, the story does not flow naturally. At the beginning, we are given Nancy's backstory inserted as paragraphs and they seem out of place. The RT also has a secondary story that of course, ties in with Nancy's mystery and makes it really contrived. The original text is better, if you can get past the stereotypes (in this book, it's not blacks who are disparaged like the first two books, but rather an overweight man, who, according to the author, was not jolly like most fat man tend to be).