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A review by laurajadeslibrary
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

emotional hopeful inspiring reflective sad fast-paced


I find it difficult to 'review' memoirs. It's someone's life journey, someone who's chosen to share their intimate life details and secrets in their own way... 

What I will say is that I'm so glad Britney has had the opportunity to be heard. Her story was mesmerising in ways but tragic in many others and I felt so sad reading about all the hurt, grief and trauma she has had to endure. 

Britney Spears was my idol growing up. I remember my mum buying me her first albums and I felt so giddy and played them non-stop. Copying her dances in front of my tv, hoping that one day I would look that amazing in a bright red jumpsuit, dance on a music video set in space and get the opportunity to sing and make incredible records like she did! 
Following her career and her portrayal in the media was inspiring at first.
Britney and Justin were my favourite celeb couple! 
Her perfumes were my favourite scents.
Crossroads was one of my favourite movies. I still watch it now when I'm after some comfort. 

She seemed to have everything any girl could ever dream of, me included! 

And then eventually it took a darker turn. I felt for her as I watched her downfall, I hated the abuse she would get from the paparazzi. Why couldn't they leave her alone?! I will never forget the first time I saw those infamous pictures of her shaved head and the umbrella incident. I was heartbroken for her, but I still adored her and wanted her to rise from it all so much and show everyone that this isn't who she really was. 
It's soul-crushing to read how she was treated and spoke to behind the scenes. What she was made to do and say and how this affected her relationship with her children. 

Although, incredibly emotional I'm so glad that I've been able to read her own words, hear her voice after she was silenced for so long. 

She remains an inspiration to me. 

Her views on life now and how she portrays so much strength after everything she's been through is uplifting. 

Like millions of others, I was delighted to finally hear that she had been freed from her 13 year conservatorship and I hope more than anything that she can be left to enjoy her freedom that she's so desperately yearned for, for so long.
