A review by krobus
Best Served Hot by Amanda Elliot


where was the plot? this had so much potential. i didn't hate it either, but i have no idea who the characters actually are. we know sooo little about them, which makes it hard for me to feel connected. there wasn't enough focus on any one thing, which left it vague and ultimately plot-less.
very slice of life, if you will.
overall the theme was "rich white ppl problems" (yes she's broke but she's around wealthy people) and i don't believe julie grew whatsoever during this novel. she was off-putting as a main character, to say the least. very self absorbed.
how am i supposed to like bennett when i know absolutely nothing about him? other than bennett CLEARLY being into julie from day 1, which i'm always here for, i'm failing to see any chemistry between the two? yay they like food. i don't know, maybe if i knew ANYTHING emotional about either of them, i'd see it.
the ending was cute, it felt very quirky and i liked that it was subtle but obvious. iykyk of course.
i've been harsh on this novel, i'm just frustrated because i was REALLY into it at first but it didn't have that spark for me. i really enjoyed the food descriptions and that was a huge plus.

what a missed opportunity to have alice & kelsey fall in luv?? at least alice talked about her like she was a goddess, i really thought the writer was headed in that direction!

i don't regret reading this, won't be rereading anytime soon.