A review by willworm
Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson


Tennyson’s work is rich for analysis, especially on its reflection as a work about British identity and empire, as well as how within these notions of race and empire are some very deeply ecological themes, as Arthurian literature inevitably ends up something deeply ecological. Guinevere is both more and less human, or more human and less herself, which is sad, and there is a fascinating impulse from Tennyson to tiptoe around the sexual assault at the heart of much of Arthuriana while still touching on it in ways I often found to be quite nuanced and interesting! It’s such a complicated work, one deeply born of its time, and for that reason I find it both compelling and frustrating: especially the last three or so idylls which were so shallow in comparison to much of the complications of identity and spirit found in the other stories, but that’s just a personal narrative gripe that is unrelated to my overall intentions with Idylls as adaptation.