A review by beastreader
Need by Joelle Charbonneau


This book is another one of those guilty pleasure books. There was nothing that redeeming about all of the teens in this book yet the story itself was intriguing to me. The most intriguing part was that I could so picture this book being current events. Which is very scary. Teens now a days are more like sheep, they just follow without really being leaders.

As I was reading this book I kept thinking is there anything in this world that I would really "need" that I would be willing to do anything for? My answer was: "There is nothing that I would absolutely "need" that I would go to great lengths to do things for to get what I "need".

Again I did not feel any remorse for the teens in this story but this is one of those books where if the storyline is great then it does not really matter if the characters where just so so.