A review by persephonedreaming
Superior Iron Man, Volume 2: Stark Contrast by Tom Taylor


My review for Volume 1 and 2:

Reading through this Superior Iron Man series left me feeling like

In truth, I picked these up because it seemed like an interesting story, but there was something so hopeless about the ending. This feels like Tom Taylor posed the question, "What would Tony Stark be like if he were really Dr. Evil?"

Something about this story arc feels incomplete. It's as if the author went through the outline and thought

Unfortunately, while the whole series is a quick read, it is lackluster in terms of story. The story relies far too much on Tony's debauchery and far too little on doing anything of substance. The subplot with Jamie had the potential to humanize the story, but instead it is written out at the very end, as if the author was like

It felt like the whole story arc was cheapened by an unwillingness to actually address Jamie's hulk like tendencies, instead making it a non-issue. In the end, the whole series was pretty average. I picked it up because I thought it would be a story where Pepper would shine, and she does, though her willingness to accept that she will probably lose just seems a bit awkward. It's almost like she's in a space of

when she's also trying to show that she's the scariest thing Tony has ever encountered.