A review by matthaniaa
Come to Me Softly by A.L. Jackson


I have finally finished this book. Sort of....I just couldn't stand it anymore. It hurt to read. And not in a good way.

It's taken me a week to finish, which is a very long time since I gobble up books in 2-3 days max. And the fact that I finished another book, while reading Come to Me Softly, says alot. What can I say? This book was painfully slow. I couldn't deal with the constant repetition (we get it Jared, you've been through shit and you feel like crap and you feel like you don't deserve anything. We. Get. It.), the snail like pace, and the borderline unhealthy relationship of Aly and Jared.

First thing's first. Why does it take 5 chapters to go over just ONE day after the first book left off. Not to mention that all that was said could have been summed up into 2 chapters, one in each character's POV. We get it. Jared came back. Aly's happy. Jared feels unworthy (90%of the book talks about his unworthiness) and they're sex-crazed.

Skip ahead to the thanksgiving massacre, the house, and the engagement, I began to see how fast these two were moving. Both of them were ignoring Jared's underlying problems. How does Aly deal with them? Doesn't say anything to Jared. How does Jared deal with them? He puts them on a back burner and buries himself in Aly's pregnant vagina. I felt like their whole relationship is built on the fueling lust that they have for each other. Every other page explores how much they want each other and need to touch each other. I mean come on!

Another thing that bothered me was Jared's use of Aly. His portrayal of her. I felt like he put her on his pedestal as this shiny new toy that he played with but didn't want to break. It was like she was his dessert that he could have, even though he'd been a bad boy. Her sex is what kept him 'sane'. Unhealthy much?

And is just me or do hey just love each other too much? And what the hell was the point of Gabe? Like seriously, his character did not need to be there. He's wasted space.

I'm really disappointed in this book. The first was way better. I gave it double the stars. I thought this second installment would've been a great continuation, but instead it was a horrible one.

But I wouldn't mind a book on Christopher. A story on him and his journey on finding love. I"d definitely read that :)