A review by cozylittlebrownhouse
Without You: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and the Musical Rent by Anthony Rapp


I love Rent and I love Anthony Rapp. I just saw the show for the umpteenth time because he toured with Adam Pascal. I first saw the show in NYC, but the originals were already gone (1998). What a duo. I wish the entire original cast would regroup for a tour...I would pay big bucks to see them all, especially Idina, Adam, Mark, Jesse, and Taye.

I enjoyed the insight into Rapp's life, but mostly enjoyed the morsels about the start of Rent and the evolution of the show. I think only true fans of Rent will enjoy this book - for others it will just be a basic memoir that someone else has probably done better.

Anthony Rapp, if you ever log onto GoodReads (I know you are book obsessed too), and happen to read my review, do everything in your power to regroup the gang and tour. You were awesome with Adam! Rent changes lives!

No day but today!