A review by bethreadsandnaps
Night of the Living Rez by Morgan Talty


 I truly enjoyed this immersive, non-chronological short story collection about growing up Native on the modern-day Penobscot reservation. I liked seeing how David (later, Dee) evolved; unfortunately, he didn't evolve in the way I wanted him to, at least through his 20s. I do fervently hope Dee conquers his drug addiction. And finding out some of the traumas David went through toward the end of the collection really make the reader think how David's trajectory was influenced by the trauma on top of the people he hangs out with.

So much is stacked against David and the others on the reservation, and this collection illustrates that with such power. While it grapples with serious issues with a lot of triggers, there was some levity (like the Super Soaker, the first time and when it pops up again).