A review by secret_librarian
Until You by Briar Prescott


Rating: 5
Steam: 3
PoV: single, 1st person
MM | banter | slow burn | hurt / comfort

I’m honestly not sure how to write something that will do justice to this fantastic story - Briar Prescott totally blew my mind with this book!

Until You wasn’t really like any other book I’ve read, and it’s a tough story to describe without spoilers. The plot that was easy to get intrigued by, since we know that something major happened in Jude’s life, but we don’t find out what it was until very late into the story. I loved the suspenseful feeling and possibility for imagination that it created, even if it was frustrating at times.

This story was also full of snarky banter, which I absolutely loved! It was so much fun reading the characters’ back and forth, and I liked the push and pull between Jude and Blake. There was some great tension as well and it added some sizzling to the slow burn. These two were definitely made for each other, and it was hard not to adore their rooftop meet-cute.

Until You was an emotional read, and I couldn’t quite shake the feeling of impending dread while reading. I loved all of the angst and secrets though, and it was a fantastic and very memorable story! If you want a snarky and angsty read - I’d highly recommend giving this story a chance.