A review by jmsv45
Both Sides Now by Shawn Inmon


This book is unlike anything I've read before. When I first started reading, I was a bit confused. For whatever reason, I had totally confused this book for something else. But as I went on I realize, that "This is a True Story" actually meant it was a true story. And it literally blew my mind. Reading a romance is one thing. But this is something else entirely. To think that this actually happened? Crazy stuff. I could not imagine having to go through something like this. But through the eyes of Dawn, I was amazed. I may not be the best judge of maturity because I'm rather young myself. But she was portrayed as a decent teenager. Despite wanting to see a boy her parents disapproved of (for whatever reason), she didn't really rebel. It's not like she was partying and getting drunk. She did sneak around to see him, but what else was she supposed to do?
Because she's actually a real person, it's hard to evaluate her character. But I didn't know she was a real person for the beginning of the book. And I was impressed with how her character was portrayed. Did she have flaws? Of course, she's human. The way she blindly accepted what her mother and boyfriend told her was terrible. But she was young, naïve, and fed a bunch of lies. Who wouldn't have believed their mother as a teen? In the 70's? You really have to keep these things in perspective. Dawn grew up trusting her mother. Of course she's going to believe her.
And considering this was written by Shawn, I have got to say. I think he did an excellent job. I feel like I know Dawn and what she went through. Even though she hated him for such a long time.
Were there a few details left out? I'd definitely say so. It doesn't say too much about Dawn's daughters, or Shawn's daughters. In a way, it makes sense. The book is about Shawn and Dawn, after all. But still. Considering it is a real story, it'd be nice to have everything on the table. Including children and grandchildren.
The exes were talked about, though. So that filled in a few blanks and that was nice background.
The other major hole was: why? Why were Dawn's parents so against Shawn?
It's something that should have been explored, questioned, discovered. But the reader is left as clueless as the writer and his wife. Because Dawn didn't even know she had been lied to when her parents died. She had no way of knowing, much less a way of finding out why. It's sad, but it's life.
This is most definitely not a romance. Maybe it's the fact that it's real is why I love it so much. It's a true testament to real love. Beautiful doesn't even begin to cover it. Everything was against them and yet, they ended up together. A little late?
Nah, I don't think so. I think it was perfect.
Holes in the story? Sure. But there are holes in life, too.
Overall, wonderfully written. It was a touching story that I will keep with me forever.

Rating: 5 stars

Why: well-written and true to the heart; seemed to accurately portray Dawn and Shawn and their incredible journey

Recommendation: anybody who enjoys a good love story