A review by mrs_eileen
Silverworld by Diana Abu-Jaber


I need this book in Audio format. I want to be able to close my eyes and visualize what I am reading. While you submerge into this fantasy world defined by its colors you start to reread the descriptions to make sure you are imagining them just right. Sami's grandmother has stopped communicating which causes her family to believe she needs to move into assisted living. Sami is not ready to give up and knows the answer is in her Teta's spell book. Her journey takes her through her mirror to Silverworld. She must restore the balance to the Shadows and the Flickers to save both worlds. A Wrinkle in Time came to mind because it feels like both authors are writing stories so much bigger themselves. This book reminds us we are made up of so many things which have come before us. Our family combined with culture bind our individual self's together. Children ages 13 and up will never look at a mirror the same again.