A review by 1siobhan
Bridge 108 by Anne Charnock


*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book.*

Even though the setting sounds interesting (climate refugees from Southern Europe), vineyards all over England/Wales, human trafficking & exploitation, but the execution was just weird. It lacked world building most of all and then a coherent story with meaningful characters. The story just didn't make sense for me and I was a bit mad after many characters were introduced and then a shift of time and a new place. Why? The ending also didn't make any sense. I also didn't really get the global scope of things (how are the refugees managed?) and also the story of our main protagonist didn't really convince. I don't know. Maybe it's me, but I was really disappointed because the short description sounded so good.

Skim-read most of it.

2 Stars