A review by kittyhawk
Oleander by Jennifer Allis Provost


I LOVED this book.
I had never heard of this author before. I will be looking them up after this review to see what else has been written. It does not read like a well published author, so I'm only expecting to find a few books, but it'll be well worth the effort to me to find a new favorite.
So we start out knowing very little about Eli and where she came from, but we get a few very tantalizing hints from the beginning. It is rather confusing at first, and feels a bit like there was another book you didn't actually get to read. But then as you continue you just continue to get bits and dribbles. "How odd," you think, "these things are interesting but don't really feel like a valuable piece of this particular story."
Absolutely will be rereading this in the future, and seeking out any further books in this series. I can only hope this will continue on such a positive note in the future.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.