A review by careythesixth
Bookburners: The Complete Season 1 by Mur Lafferty, Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap, Brian Francis Slattery


A priest, a cop, a hacker, an archivist and a kung-fu fighter walk into a library...

Seriously, that's the premise and I ate. it. up.

This series is so much fun and I need other people to read it so I can geek out with them. Sal Brooks is the newest member of the Bookburners (but don't call them that to their faces), a black ops team run out of the Vatican with the mission to find and collect (or destroy) magic books that have the power to hurt regular people. It's a little X-Files, a little Welcome to Night Vale, a little Warehouse 13, a little police procedural, and a lot of awesome. I'm in love.